Title | Presenter(s) | Date | Time | Length | Room | Programme Block |
Applied Microeconomics (Gender) | Luisa Fernanda Gutiérrez Navratil, Maria Cervini, Nagore Iriberri Etxebeste, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.5 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Econometrics (Machine Learning and Microeconometrics) | Siqi Wei, Telmo Juan Pérez Izquierdo, Scott Kostyshak, Enrique Sentana, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.4 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Finance | Pau Belda, Alvaro Remesal Martin, Pinar Uysal, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.6 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Game Theory (II) | Oihane Gallo, Jorge Alcalde-Unzu, Juan Vidal-Puga, Jesús David Pérez-Castrillo, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.2 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Industrial Organization (Energy, Public Firms, Delegation) | Gerard Llobet, Juan Jose Ganuza Fernández, Ricardo Flores Fillol, Amagoia Sagasta Elorza, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.7 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Labour Economics (Migration) | Joan Llull, Martín Fernández Sánchez, Albrecht Glitz, Antoni-Italo de Moragas Sánchez, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 11.1 (Edificio I+D+i /R&D Building ) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Labour Economics (Recessions) | Juan J Dolado, Ernesto Villanueva, Ismael Gálvez Iniesta, Vicente Cuñat, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 11.2 (Edificio I+D+i /R&D Building ) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Macroeconomics (Heterogeneous Agents) | Myroslav Pidkuyko, Ioana Schiopu, Tsung-Hsien Li, Bruno Ricardo Delalibera, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 2.1 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Open Economies and New Technologies | Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez, Daniel Riera Crichton, Pilar Beneito López, Ana Lamo, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 1.1 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Political Economy (Theory) | Armajac Raventós Pujol, Pablo Ruiz Verdú, Antoine Loeper, Alvaro Delgado Vega, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 1.2 (Hospedería Fonseca) | Contributed Sessions VIII |
Public Policy Evaluation | Sergio Cappellini, Laia Bosque Mercader, Anastasia Terskaya, |
16/12 | 10:00 CET | 120 | Room 11.3 (Edificio I+D+i /R&D Building ) | Contributed Sessions VIII |